As an active beekeeping association, we are delighted to welcome new members.

Registered Membership

For those with, or proposing to have, colonies of bees

  • Access to all FDBKA events
  • Hampshire Beekeepers’ Association (HBA) membership
  • British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership
  • Subscription to monthly BBKA News magazine
  • Public Liability & Bee Diseases Insurance (for 1-3 hives)
  • Loan use of FDBKA equipment

Country Membership

For those not intending to have colonies of bees

  • Access to all FDBKA events
  • Subscription to monthly BBKA News magazine

Associate Membership

For those who do not participate in beekeeping activities or who are full members of another association

  • Access to all FDBKA events

Click on the link for our Welcome Information for New Members.

What does it cost?

Membership Category


Registered Membership



Fee breakdown:

FDBKA - £12.00
HBA - £5.00
BBKA - £21.00
BDI (1-3 colonies) - £2.00

                                  Country Membership


Fee breakdown:

FDBKA - £12.00
BBKA - £10.00

Associate Membership


Fee breakdown:

FDBKA - £10.00

Junior Membership
(under 18 years of age)


Fee breakdown:

FDBKA - £10.00

Additional Apiary Fee 


For those with hives on the Ray & Jean Powell Titchfield Apiary

                            Additional Bee Diseases Insurance Premium


(applicable to Registered Memberships only)


4-5 colonies
6-10 colonies
11-15 colonies
16-20 colonies
21-25 colonies
26-30 colonies
31-35 colonies
36-39 colonies

How do I become a member?

Our preferred and easiest way is to complete the online application form by clicking on the button below. Submitting the form will send a request to our membership secretary. On receipt of your Application you will be emailed a link to our Registration system where you will be able to fill in the remainder of your details. The Registration form will also calculate for you the amount you will owe.

If you are unable to complete the online Application Form, you can download a form in .pdf format by clicking on this link Membership Application Form 2024. The form will need to be completed manually and either emailed or posted to the FDBKA Treasurer (see address below).

If you require a Word version of the Application Form, please email the Membership Secretary.

How do I pay?

Our preferred method for payment is via BACS to FDBKA, Sort code: 30-99-50, Account No: 51957768 with your name as the reference.
If you are unable to use online banking, you can write a cheque, payable to FDBKA and post it to the FDBKA Treasurer at 24 Harvey Crescent, Warsash, SO31 9TA.
Finally, a small number of printed forms are available if you attend an Association meeting, where payment can be accepted by bank card or cheque.

How (and when) do I renew my membership?

Memberships are due for renewal on 1st January. An invitation to renew will be emailed to you in December.

As an existing member, your details will already be stored on the national Registration system (eR2). When renewal time comes around, the Membership Secretary will email you a link to your personal registration details. Here, you are able to confirm them and submit any changes. Payment will be by BACS, the details of which are included in your renewal cover letter.

What do I do if my email address or contact details change?

Please email the Membership Secretary if any of your details change or you may not receive your renewal details.