FDBKA Events
All our association and other beekeeping related events can be found here.

Our next event will be an indoor meeting on Thursday 6th February commencing at 7.30pm with further details in the Members Information page.

Swarm List
Any member wishing to be included on the Starter Colony Scheme / Swarm List for 2025 contact Charles Bishop, preferably by email or 07368269491.

Titchfield Apiary
Members wishing to site a colony at our Ray & Jean Powell Centenary Apiary in Titchfield, or to report any issues, contact Steve Wilson, preferably by email or 07788997737.
The management of the apiary detailing the general rules can be found HERE.

BBKA Membership
FDBKA members are automatically members of BBKA which gives: 
* Public Liability Insurance (only when manipulating colonies), 
* Bee Diseases Insurance (covering equipment and honey only, not bees)
* Access to the BBKA members website pages. 
Your BBKA membership number is required to access the website and is available by emailing our membership secretary, Adrian Hopwood, if you do not know it.
Public Liability Insurance FAQ’s
BDI Premium & Cover

Association Meetings
For members that are unable to come to any of our events we strive to provide information here for them to view.

Equipment Sales
We regularly receive donated items from retiring beekeepers which we sell at discounted prices on our Member Sales, Offers & Freebies page and at the January indoor meeting. Current availability and direct purchases can also be made by contacting our Membership Secretary via EMAIL. From the proceeds we make regular donations to the two bee charities Bees for Development and Bees Abroad which we try to align with the Green Match Challenge.

Representation at Hampshire Beekeepers’ Association
HBA is a charity who’s objective is to ‘promote and further the craft of beekeeping in Hampshire and the education of the public therein’.

FDBKA member Alan Baxter is a HBA trustee.  As such he has a responsibility for managing and administering the charity within its committee.

Each local association is entitled to one HBA Rep for every 20 full members.  Unfortunately, FDBKA currently only has two volunteer Reps.  So, there are still 4 vacant positions to fill*. In reality Reps are only required to represent & attend the AGM in March, and any EGM called with each rep having a vote at meetings. The Roles & Responsibilities of a HBA Rep can be found HERE.
If FDBKA members wish to raise anything with HBA they can do so by contacting our representatives by email using the links below.

* Contact the secretary via email if you are interested in joining Chrissy & Paula as a HBA Rep.

HBA Library
FDBKA members can borrow books from the excellent HBA library located at The Sustainability Centre, Droxford Road, East Meon, GU32 1HR.

The link above will allow you access to the catalogue.
The new library ordering, and postal process is now live. To order your books please click on this link.  HBA Library Book Online Ordering Form
The library contains many prized volumes and everyone is be encouraged to pay a visit and or check out the website.
It is also a great day out for the family as the Sustainability Centre has a café, 55 acres of woodland walks and they offer other courses that would complement beekeeping and other hobbies.

Charity Work
As an association we support the following bee charities:

Click logo’s for more information

Many FDBKA members do their own charity work.  See Alan Baxter and Adrian Hopwood Planking for the Alzheimer’s Society in their bee suits! (careful spell checking completed).

Zoom Talks
During the Covid restrictions many of our winter 2020/21 talks were via Zoom.  Click on the links below to hear these fascinating speakers again.

National Honey Monitoring Scheme
The National Honey Monitoring Scheme was set up in 2018 and uses techniques to identify plant DNA and measure environmental contaminants, such as pesticide residues in UK honey. 

A pilot study identified widespread residues of neonicotinoid pesticides in honey samples collected from across the UK. FDBKA member Greg Young took part in 2015, the analysis of which found imidacloprid (a neonicotinoid). His Titchfield apiary is close to commercial glass houses and a PYO farm, although it might have been picked up elsewhere.

FDBKA members are encouraged to register their interest in taking part by emailing the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) at honey@ceh.ac.uk. The viability of the scheme relies on sufficient numbers of beekeepers taking part. 
Further details can be found on the National Honey Monitoring Scheme Website and the CEH website