In line with our constitution the committee members for 2024 are:


  • Paula Little (Chairperson)
  • Greg Young (Vice-Chairperson)
  • Tim Cooper (Secretary)
  • Mike Jarman (Treasurer)
  • Adrian Hopwood (Membership Secretary)


  • Charles Bishop
  • Chrissy Day
  • Mark Fisher
  • Jan Lethbridge
  • Frances Lord

Committee Meetings for 2024
* 18th January
* 21st March
* 16th May
* 18th July
* 19th September
* 21st November

If FDBKA members have any matters that they would like to raise with the committee please email the secretary who will include it on the agenda at the next meeting. Members are also entitled to attend meetings as observers.

The committee are always interested to hear from members who are willing to offer help in any way. Use the above email link to contact them.